Tag transmog set

John Barrymore December 13, 2023 2 minutes
Blizzard has released a new blogpost announcing the Burden of Unrelenting Justice transmog set, which can be obtained by completing the monthly Trading Post journey twelve times. The set, which matches the Ash'adar, Harbinger of Dawn mount, has received mixed criticism due to its color shifting nature. Players have the opportunity to collect the set beyond the month of January.
John Barrymore September 01, 2023 3 minutes
Introducing the High Scholar's Pack, a limited-time offer in the Battle.net® Shop! This pack includes the prestigious High Scholar's Arcanatransmog set and 500 Trader's Tender. Dress up in this mystical set and dive into the world of arcane knowledge while also enjoying a bonus when visiting the Trading Post. Don't miss out on this opportunity!
John Barrymore September 01, 2023 1 minute
This blog post explores the Priest transmog options available at the Trading Post in September 2023. It suggests sets like the Silks of the Unnamed Cult and Secrets of the Unnamed Cult that can be paired with these new items, giving readers ideas for their own transmog combinations.